The Annual General Meeting of Cape Fresh International Fresh Produce Trading (Pty) Limited (CFI), the owner of the Cape Town Market was held on Monday 26th May 2008 at the Cape Town Market.
All shareholders attended the meeting which was preceded by a meeting of the Board of Directors. The CEO of CFI, Rob Lowe, reported on a very satisfactory 2007/2008 financial year. Highlights for the year included an 18% increase in revenue and a 27% increase in profit. During the year the Customer Covenant was unveiled and signed by all stakeholders.
The Covenant is a significant step towards reintroducing integrity at the Cape Town Market and is also evidence of the good relations that now exist between the owners of the market, the market agents and the producers.
The long awaited refurbishment of the trading floor also began. New fences have been installed and the electrical and IT networks have also been upgraded. The refurbishment will be completed during the 2008/2009 financial year. The financial statements for the year ended 29th February 2008 were adopted and approved.