Cape Town Market Launches Service Level Agreement and Market Agent Contract

July 20, 2010

The Cape Town Market has launched the first market agent’s contract, and service level agreement in the history of the fresh produce markets. Underpinned by our customer covenant the contract and SLA serves to provide a secure, transparent and business friendly environment in which producers and buyers feel welcome and confident.

The contract encapsulates the roles and responsibilities of the CTM and Market Agents. It aims to unify the expectations of the various stakeholder groups who make use of the CTM facility. The contract ensures conformity to the provisions of the Agricultural Agents Produce Council, the Agricultural Produce Agents Act, Act 12 of 1992 and the rules in respect of the Fresh Produce Agents, R1818 of 1983.

The SLA outlines the terms and conditions under which CTM and the market agents will collectively provide specified services to the producers of the fresh
produce industry and the buyers. The SLA provides a basis and framework for the delivery of high quality services, such as security, a clean trading environment, cold room facilities and stock control that meets the requirements of all the role players involved in the CTM. The services to be delivered by the CTM and agents will be monitored using the performance measurement criteria and penalties will be imposed on any shortcomings.

Through these agreements we will continue to strive to make this facility the first place of choice for the sale and purchase of fresh produce whilst we continue to maintain relationships with our stakeholders.