“Spring has Sprung
The grass has riz
I wonder where the birdies iz”
Although the weather did not seem to be very springy, our buyers and Market staff were! There was a competition to guess the weight of produce on a large weighted scale, a cash prize and a flower for the lapel to add a jaunty spring to the step for the morning.
Up to 200 people entered the competition with estimates ranging from 72kg to 697kg. Decisions were a serious matter, peering over and under, consultations with fellow buyers and then final numbers settled upon….many changed as the morning progressed.
Result ……drum roll….108.30kg and the prize money went to David Kaug.
A huge thanks goes to Alta de Jager, her team of Cashiers, Petunia Top, Alecia Juries and Des-Lin Beukes, Ricardo from the Assesment Centre all of whom dove into flower power, pinned lapels and took names for the morning cash draw.
And so we hope Spring starts….would someone tell the weather please!