Cara Brink (Freelance Chef) and Hannerie Visser (The President) will be hosting a series of dinners from the 4 July 2012 to 14 July 2012 inspired, and sourced from, the Cape Town Market.

A recent blog by Hannerie reads:

“It is 4.27 am.

Under mist-shrouded ripples of white concrete, trucks roar to a halt, discharging their bounty of fresh produce. Palettes loaded with fruit and vegetables from across the Western Cape have made a journey through the night to Cape Town Market in Epping, the southern hemisphere’s largest roof-covered market. It is an extraordinary sight – the gleam of peppers, apples, tomatoes; oranges, lemons glowing; shrubberies of cabbage, stalks of fennel.” to read the full blog goto:

Hannerie is a avid supporter of the Cape Town Market and the colorful and fresh array of characters and produce. The Cape Town Market will be supporting this event and calls on all stakeholders and lovers of fresh produce to also support this, it is not often a gourmet feast is prepared in honor of an industry and we are humbled that Hannerie and Cara have chosen us to showcase what can be created from fresh produced sourced straight from the farm.

The event has been titled, “A Mid-Winter Feast” and the menu promises to be one that is inspired, fresh and delicious. For booking or further details, please contact Hannerie on