Mandela Day at the Cape Town Market

Nelson Mandela born 18th July 1918, is celebrated world over from Norway, South America and of course, his beloved South Africa.

On Madiba’s 90th Birthday in London in 2008, it was decided to ask that everyone give up 67 minutes of their time to “play it forward” These 67 minutes represent the 67 years Mandela gave of his own life fighting for the rights of humanity, it is a call to action for individuals to take a little time to change the world, or someone elses world into a better place.

The Cape Town Market, with our deep roots in the community and produce at our fingertips came on board Mandela Day with passion!
We selected a school, Downeville Primary School in Manenberg, and started to fill our Mandela Day Market Happy Box with some delicious, healthy and yummy fruit…a toffee apple, banana and a mineola orange. There was a box of coloured pencils or paint box with a picture of Madiba, fruit and the agent logos….and to top it all off…A BAR OF CHOCOLATE!!

The suitcase style box was sponsored not only by the Cape Town Market but also very generous market agents namely, Boland, Fox & Brink, Western Province, Boeremark and Fine Bros. This made for many helping hands, loads of laughter and speedy box filling.

All this mayhem, which resulted in super organised chaos, was situated at the Food Bank, where Radio Good Hope FM were broadcasting live with Nigel Pierce. Dr Anwah Nagia was interviewed by Nigel Pierce and spoke for a number of minutes on the Cape Town Market and market Agents.

Of course the ‘Toffee apple on the top’ was presenting the Happy Box to the children the following day at Downeville Primary School. These are children who are living in what is currently one of the worst of Cape Towns gang ridden areas, and yet, what a happy and wonderful school. The Headmaster, Mr Treu and Teachers show so much love and care for their charges, all of whom came rushing forward eagerly to receive the “heavy surprise” boxes.

Forced to pose for a photograph, you could see the agony of anticipation to race around the corner and dive into the package.

“Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day.”