The Cape Town Market is a commission fresh produce market regulated by statute. The commission is set at 12½% for all produce except potatoes, which attract a lower commission. Cape Town Market has many competitors, none of which are regulated. Find out more.
Subtropico / Spes Bona Marketing Agency

Contact Information
PO Box 745, Epping Dust 7475
Tel: +27 21 532 2213
Fax: +27 21 531 9241
Email: subtrop@mweb.co.za
Website: www.subtropico.co.za
Subtropico Limited operates as a fresh produce market agent at 12 national markets countrywide. They hold a majority interest in the Cape Town based Spes Bona Market Agency being run in partnership with shareholders from previously disadvantaged communities. Spes Bona has been trading on the Cape Town Market since 2005.
The Subtropico / Spes Bona Market Agency specialises in fresh produce sourced from three primary producers:
- Potatoes
- Onions
- Loose vegetables
- Bananas and other fruit
Subtropico / Spes Bona have an experienced team of market agents based at the Cape Town Market, who handle produce on an ‘ask and demand’ basis. Their company policy centres on honesty, integrity and 100% service to both their producers and buyers.

+27 21 531 2069
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Fine Bros
+27 21 531 6431
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+27 21 531 8472/2097/8
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Rhoda's Market Agency
+27 21 531 8865
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