An exciting FIRST for Cape Town Market, our Forklift Safety Challenge 2012 held on the 23rd of November, specifically geared towards encouraging safety on the trading floor and appreciating our hard-working hyster drivers.

The competition was open to 120 drivers who present on the floor during our trading hours. Staff of CTM, Agencies, Clients and Cleaning services were all invited to participate.  Of this number 58 drivers entered and 35 got through to the semi-finals.

The semi-finals, a written test, was daunting at first but the results were all good and it was a close shave to choose the 10 finalists.

The 23rd  Nov arrived and although on a Friday and after hours all 10 drivers were on time, very nervous but ready to take on the Challenge.

Impact Skills Development, a company specialising in training and testing for the industrial market sent two of its finest, Mr Derek Jones and Mr Patrick Bok to help set up the course ( to industry specs) and to judge the drivers. They also supplied a beautiful floating trophy for the winner.

After a dry run of the course, each driver started the challenge with a comprehensive safety check of the vehicle which included, looking under the forklift for obstacles, making sure all the components of the vehicle were in good working condition, indicators, hooters and hydraulic systems. Once done …it was all systems go!

We added a fun element with buckets of water on a pallet to test sensitivity of lifting and movement, loading and unloading. Bins were relocated and stacked and the Forklift was then manouvered backwards with the water pallet to the beginning of the course.  All was to be completed in a reasonable time-limit without knocking anything, and of course…neat stacking.

Adrian de Villiers, using his trusty megaphone supplied a running commentary, giving the drivers support and guiding the proceedings.

Although a competitive challenge, there was a huge sense of support from the other drivers with cheers and much advice as to how to face the various tricky corners.

All our winners received certificates and cash prizes with our first place winner walking away with a cup and his name on the Forklift Safety Challenge Trophy

First Place was given to Kenneth Rossouw (Fine Bros)

Second Place to Xolani Phambaniso (Cape Town Market)

Third Place to Monray Kayser (GN Supplies)

The Cape Town Market Forklift Safety Challenge proved to be a great success and will be repeated as a yearly event, with the concept of making the market a super safe environment for all.