The Cape Town Market is a commission fresh produce market regulated by statute. The commission is set at 12½% for all produce except potatoes, which attract a lower commission. Cape Town Market has many competitors, none of which are regulated. Find out more.

I'm a Buyer

As a distribution point for the sale of fresh produce, the Cape Town Market caters to all types of buyers. We welcome wholesalers, retailers, restaurateurs, informal traders and individuals through our doors.

Experienced staff members from our five market agencies operate on the market floor. They will advise and negotiate with you on a full complement of fresh produce that they sell on behalf of the producers.

How are prices determined?

The Cape Town Market employs a trading system which enables it to act as a central point of price determination for produce based on supply and demand.

This keeps pricing fair and makes the market an attractive trading place for buyers and producers alike. Producers are charged a commission by the market agents who act on their behalf.

How do I buy produce at the Cape Town Market?

To purchase produce on the trading floor, you need to be in possession of a Buyers Card. For more information on where, when and how to make market purchases or how to apply for a buyers card, please click on the sidebar links on the right hand side.

Buyers Card Information

How do I become a buyer?

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Protected Cash or Pre-Paid

What are my payment options?

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Market Information

Where do I go to buy and what do I do?

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Apply Now

Download and print an application form
(service level agreement).