The Cape Town Market is a commission fresh produce market regulated by statute. The commission is set at 12½% for all produce except potatoes, which attract a lower commission. Cape Town Market has many competitors, none of which are regulated. Find out more.

Protected Cash or Pre-Paid Buyer

What are my payment options?

When you apply for your Cape Town Market Buyers Card, you can select from two different card types.

These card types are based on the following payment options:

Protected Cash
This method of payment allows for cash transactions only, whereby the buyer deposits monies on the account, at the cashier, for purchases.

This method of payment enables you to set up an account facility for EFT transactions which are paid in advance of your purchase.

Please note:
No other debit or credit facilities are available at the Cape Town Market.
The People’s Market operates on a strictly cash basis.

Buyers Card Information

How do I become a buyer?

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Market Information

Where do I go to buy and what do I do?

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Apply Now

Download and print an application form
(service level agreement).