There have been many problems related to marking requirements and especially the net mass of potatoes that have occurred in the last few months. It is expected that Prokon, as official assignee of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF), is required to enforce the regulations correctly according to the Potato regulation No. 33735 of 12 Nov. 2010. Sub reg. 3(1) about marking requirements and especially 3 (1) h read together with 8 (6) “misleading information”, where the net weight differs from the mass as indicated on the container.
The Action of the Prokon Quality controller in this regard is as follows:
Where a problem is found with the above, the consignment with the necessary instruction document will be temporarily stopped. Sufficient time will be provided in order for the necessary corrections to be made. After the quality controller has verified that the correction has been made, then the product will be permitted for sale and removal.
For any queries please contact: Henry van Deventer at Prokon on (012) 325 4579